Well it's that time of year in the northern part of the country. Unfortunately this time of the year if you want to golf you have to do it a simulator. It's definitely a different game in a simulator. There are advantages and disadvantages to simulator golf however I think it's 75% to 25% in favor of the advantages.
Disadvantages of simulator golf is that you don't get to enjoy the outdoors for one. You also have to adjust the way you approach the ball. Most simulators read club head speed to determine how far your ball will travel. Hitting down on the ball in a simulator takes an incredible amount of speed of your club head thus resulting in less distance. If you really want distance in the simulator you have to be real good a sweeping the ball of the carpet.
With that said there are a lot of advantages to simulator golf. You get to keep your swing loose all winter. You still have to negotiate hazards such as trees, sand, water, etc. and chances of loosing a ball are almost zero. One big advantage is I get to play courses that I probably will never get to play for real like Pebble Beach, Hazeltine, Bethpage Black, and the list goes on. If you never tried a simulator and your getting that itch to golf try one you might just enjoy it at least till the weather get better.